

Awakening. Movement. Flow

Challenge yourself through an awakening morning flow series of postures that balance strength and flexibility. We maintain focus on alignment and awareness of the breath empowering you to feel a deeper connection to advance your practice.

Suitable for those with a general understanding of movement and yoga, at an intermediate level.

Where you can, please try and book a space on our morning classes the night before if possible.

Vinyasa +

Experienced. Deep. Extension.

Our evening vinyasa+ classes are heated and designed for our more experienced advanced yogi’s. Classes may include inversions, arm balances and a more strengthening dynamic flow. To ensure safety and to stay within the “flow state” of the class, yoga experience of an embodied practice is required.

Slow Flow

Integration. Slow Movements. Time to be.

Let us slow it down in this down tempo practice, so we can enjoy each mindful movement. Postures are held for longer periods, giving time to find body placement and alignment, transitions are a little slower. Suitable for our beginners, but also the perfect class for intermediate and advanced students who feel like slowing it down and sinking deeper into their practice. Let’s not interpret slow for easy, by moving slow and in a mindful integrated way, different challenges will surface and present themselves. Through a yoga-mind state, how can we shift our minds focus to be with these in each given moment.

Nook Beginners start here.


Grounding. Improves Flexibility + Mind-body Connection.

Over the summer months our studio is lightly warmed, offering support for the breath to open and the body to relax. Yin is a still and therapeutic practice that meets deeper tension held in connective tissues called the myofascia.

This class is focused on softening and surrendering to gravity. Floor postures are held for longer periods of time allowing the body to release. Suitable for all levels and complementary to other yoga styles.

Our Friday 9:30am class closes with Nook Banana Bread and a cuppa over chat for those who can stay afterwards.


Therapeutic. Restoring. Calming.

Restore is a therapeutic practice aimed to down regulate our system and tone the vagas nerve to bring you into the bodies natural relaxation response called the parasympathetic nervous system. This is where if you have been under stress, the body can begin to re find balance and an improved state of digestion, rest and replenishment.

We begin by being guided into breathing exercises that bring a healthy shift in the biochemistry of how we are breathing, combined with gentle passive stretches that support an opening into any tension held in the breathing muscles of the diaphragm that may be impacting the biomechanical aspect for healthy breathing. Once the breath and body have gently opened, we move into nourishing poses to promote release and rest, these passive restorative yoga poses carried out on large cylinder pillows called bolsters.

This class is highly recommended for anyone who is simply looking for relaxation in their week and to step away from demands or may be under stress, experiences anxiety, chronic pain, digestive issues, who mouth breaths, experiences poor sleep, hormonal changes, rushing woman syndrome, impacting health problems and/or has Long Covid.

Our final 10min relaxation at the end is supported with crystal bowls to deepen into full integration.

This class closes with a warmed Nook Eye Pillow + Organic Janesce Aromatherapy, as a finishing ritual not only too balance but also to carry you off your mat and into the next part of the day.

Mat Pilates

Challenge. Invigorate. All Levels.

These classes are designed to challenge and invigorate the body and mind through carefully selected exercises, utilising small Pilates props such as the foam roller, magic circle, stability ball and therabands.  The structure of the class is aimed at increasing core strength and stability, increasing mobility and flexibility, while maintaining a strong focus on breath and good form. This class is suitable for Beginners through too advanced through careful modification and variations offered for each exercise.